Meet Our Team

At Source Recruitment we employ professionally qualified and experienced Consultants with depth of knowledge that spans the full workplace spectrum many of them having previous real life experience working within the industries they now represent.

Tony Jones
Senior Recruiter / Head of Business Development

REC Certificate in Recruitment Practice. Advanced Interviewer.

Deals predominantly with senior level candidates and manages relationships with a portfolio of clients. Tony also holds responsibility for managing external operations as well as researching and developing new areas of business for Source.

Experience – Worked in business development and relationship management across Gsy, Jsy and IOM for a large bank responsible for corporate clients for five years; joined Source at inception (2005).

Tony on Tony – When I’m not at Source, I like drinking grapes, losing at football to my seven year old son and keeping an eye on the stock market which apparently makes me dull.

Colleagues on Tony – Lives on another planet for most of the day, not shy in letting everyone know when he has ‘man flu’ and eats a sausage roll every day.

Christina Guille
Senior Recruiter

REC Certificate in Recruitment Practice. CIPD Certificate in Personnel Practice. Advanced Interviewer.

Deals predominantly with senior level candidates and manages relationships with a portfolio of clients.

Experience – Extensive recruitment experience dealing with both permanent and temporary candidates. Previously worked in an HR capacity for both the States of Guernsey and Financial Services.

Christina on Christina – I love cooking (leftovers do make their way into the office), yoga, painting and travelling. Definitely love making a difference in the local community and badgering my colleagues to join in too.

Colleagues on Christina – Shows ‘policewoman’ tendencies towards other colleagues recycling habits and cackles a lot. Loves to hum and sing at her desk which drives Tony mad. Caring and supportive.

James Le Flocq
Senior Recruiter

REC Certificate in Recruitment Practice.

Deals with candidates seeking temporary, contract or permanent opportunities and manages relationships with a portfolio of Clients.

Experience – Substantial Private Banking and Relationship Management experience.

James on James – Sports fanatic, although really only from the couch these days. I love being out on the pushbike, travelling and sampling the local delicacies – food and drink included. Love a bit of banter and micky taking in the office and always good for a social doo!

Colleagues on James – Cheeky, confident and quite happy to join in with the team camaraderie and daily teasing. Lively and enthusiastic – never seems to be in a bad mood – bit of a social butterfly! Likes football a bit too much and has recently developed a keen interest in wearing lycra. Educates Kat in modern day acronyms!

Olivia Hubbard

REC Certificate in Recruitment Practice. Bachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and Tourism.

Deals predominantly with candidates seeking temporary or contract opportunities and manages relationships with a portfolio of Clients. 

Experience - Previously worked in Human Resources for a large local Private Bank. 

Olivia on Olivia – A self-confessed 'gym junkie’ - I enjoy challenging myself physically and seeing what my body can achieve! Telling jokes is another love of mine…at least I think I’m funny! I’m constantly scouring the news, watching documentaries and trawling through the net in search of interesting facts to bore my friends with! 

Colleagues on Olivia – Our proud localized Aussie, ‘Liv’ is our upside down eating, resident gym fanatic. Bubbly, fun loving, storytelling antipodean - just ask her about Australia’s ‘drop bears’ when you have time!

Steve Duckworth

Deals with candidates seeking temporary, contract or permanent opportunities and manages relationships with a portfolio of Clients. 

Experience – Substantial Private Banking and Relationship Management experience. 

Steve on Steve – Embraces all that is great about Guernsey. Usually found on or around the west coast whether it be walking the dogs, cycling, surfing or partaking in the traditional Friday "meat draw" and beverages at the Rocky. 

Colleagues on Steve – Has a wicked sense of humor and seems to know everyone, treats his 2 dogs like spoilt children. Loves Rock music and being outdoors (but only when it’s sunny), has MAMIL‘itus (middle aged man in lycra!) and sports a pair of great sideburns! 

Katerina Kindred-Villanueva
Recruitment Co-ordinator

Kat covers all office administration, weekly payroll and office management and is the first point of contact for candidates and clients visiting the office. 

Kat on Kat – I have a shed in my garden that houses our laundry facilities and my Cinzano supply. I do both in unequal measures. I like listening to all the office banter – it makes me giggle and keeps me feeling young. 

Colleagues on Kat – Has a wicked sense of humour and likes whisky. (We didn’t know about the Cinzano as well)

Julia Martin
Managing Director

IoD Certificate in Company Direction REC Certificate in Recruitment Practice

Provides company direction and oversight, internal control, company secretarial, research and development, business and product development and generally ensures the team are happy, fully supported and motivated to do a good job. 

Co-founder of Source Recruitment 

Experience – Ten years in Recruitment followed a career in Private Banking and Relationship Management 

Julia on Julia – In theory I love shopping, travelling, cooking for friends and family, interior design, running, aerobics, yoga and boating – the list is endless. In reality running Source and running after our energetic four year old son takes preference! 

Colleagues on Julia – The list-writing, staff-feeding, always smiling, present-giving, cool, calm and collected unofficial office mum.

Rick Martin
Marketing Director

Provides an in-house Marketing and Advertising service as well as Company Direction, Business Development and Research and Development. 

Co-founder of Source Recruitment 

Experience – Substantial agency experience at a senior level in Advertising, Marketing and Business Development 

Rick on Rick – I like running, boating and long, lazy BBQs and am passionate about art and design, architecture and typography. However, most of my spare time is taken up with chasing after the same energetic four year old that Julia chases after! 

Colleagues on Rick – Has an amazing collection of shirts and shoes for a bloke. Can be found nodding his head at his desk if a good tune comes on. Misses his boat more than he’ll say but still obsesses about the weather. 


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